With the last weekend of the summer completed, we see the end in sight this Friday. We got to see the Meg swim past the Equalizer to capture the #10 spot, bringing Kelly to the top of the charts with an unprecidented 0 deviation score. At this point, the only thing that could stop Kelly “The Oracle” Perone from capturing the once in a lifetime “Score That Can Never Be Beaten, Only Matched”, is if the Meg overperforms and tops Mama Mia by Friday, or if Crazy Rich Asians continues to continue its run, but that would be crazy…or would it?

Crazy Rich Asians posted one of the best second weekend holds in modern movie history falling only 6.4% week over week. When you take out December or films released right before holidays (Mothers Day on Mothers Day, Blind Side on Thanksgiving, etc), it ranks 3rd all-time in smallest second week declines. Again, it is a long shot, but a little drama in the last week makes for a more exciting finale to the pool.

The poorly reviewed top release of the weekend The Happytime Murders failed to capture any kind of audience with a 9.5M Box Office take. This is the worst of McCarthy’s career, who seems to be having a bit of the same problem the Rock had earlier with Skyscraper – oversaturation in bland films. Happytime Murders managed a C- Cinemascore, so don’t expect her to headline a top 10 hit next year…unless Dennis’ former-favorite Jason Statham comes back for Spy 2.

Finally, looking at the scoreboard, women are currently dominating the winners circle with 3 out of 4 money-earning spots held by Kelly, Jen and Kate. Clearly they know something the guys don’t – I mean, The Meg? Mamma Mia 2? I don’t really want to do the math to confirm, but it looks like Kelly will get her second win in the movie pool becoming the second person to ever win the title twice, along with the Co-founder and Secretary of the Summer Movie Pool Steve Berg. But again, that score is ridiculous. Hope I didn’t jinx the Immaculate Prediction.

Box Office Weekend Actuals:

1) Crazy Rich Kelly – 24.8M (76.6M)
2) The Meg – 12.8M (105M)
3) Happytime Murders – 9.5M (50M)
4) Mission Impossibler – 8M (193M)
5) Mile 22 – 6.3M (25.5M)
6) Christopher Robin – 6.2M (77.5M)

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